Sunday, June 26, 2011

hi, skrg quite busy ouhh mmg tk lekang kt rumah and im working now PEACE ! jgn tekejut.juz part time okey not full lah kn sekolah tu penting hee :D sat and sun dkt mne? hee secret okeyy HAHA. mmg best skrg ade duit sndri so happy lah best HAHA and kurang ade masa nak melayan fb , blog sume bndebnde ni haa

25 jun 2011 - OUM YPJ , td ade competition fr choral speaking and readers theatre dkt maahad pontian. lawan 5 buah sek. YA ALLAH time mule mule dtg kite org malu sgt malu gilee sb naik bas kecik yg tkde aircond not comfortable at all lah compare dgn sek lain yg naik bas mcm nak g rombongan jeh haihhhh ttp muka >.< and tkde guna props ape ape untuk readers theatre juz skrip banding dgn sek lain siap costume nyeee rasa mcm fuhhh mencabar ! and cikgu satisfied dgn kite org pye choral hee cikgu happy sgt ! tp dpt no 2 jeh sokeyy sb sengit gilee dgn maahad pontian beza marks only o.oo1 haihh terror jugak lah kn. then we won fr the readers theatre wewiiittttt ! cikgu pon tk percaye SRI RAHMAT BOLE ! HAHA , okey even naik bas kecik ke tkd props or wht still bole menang ! HAHA, sek lain yg kalah balik awal,kite org balik last HAHA. sad bile dy ckp NO PRIZES ! huh ckp ade apelah ! and td jumpe membe lame sksk PUTERI FARIZATUL NADZIRAH ! 4 thun tk jumpe haihhh kemain kepoh dia dr aku. dy yg jerit pgl kalau tak tkde nye aku knl dy pun lain pkai tdung labuh biase lah maahad pontian hee :D

folio EA tak siap lagi :'( phleaseee tolong ! tkde mase nak buat esk kejeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! haihhhh k lah dah ngntk k bye ~

*jgn tgk vid untuk readers theatre phleaseeee ! maluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

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