Thursday, March 24, 2011


5.50pm-just come back from school ouhh so sad :( org lain dah mandi wangi wagi dah terlena di atas katil aku masih busukbusuk dkt sek kn :( .ouhh nevermind :) i never feel regret to join this english club english club ? belasah jelah ahaa but i'm feel so grateful coz i'm the choosen one from how many people i forget to take part this programme heee , first starting i feel so scary u know coz i afraid i cant speak well in english but now i'm happy coz i can learn more about everything in this programme . just now , my teacher make some activities that never make us so sleepy in the class. we make a conversation with our group member, sing a song , blowing the ballon hee my member group is aqilah , shapiq , atikah hashim and jea. 

*english language aku teruk kan ? tkpe aku masih belajar lame lame nanti aku pandai jangan jeles :p

 every time i go this class my teacher always said 'speaking more english , practise yourself to speak in english' i 'll try teacher , i hope my english will improve after this programme finish :)

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